Our Business
Introducing KEI business activities,
where we undertake various projects around the world.
01/07 Urban Transportation
- Clearing House
- IC
- Transportation
To help create safe and comfortable communities in developing countries, we work on the development of urban transportation master plans, studies on traffic operation facilities, planning of traffic safety systems, and traffic improvement measures based on ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). We also engage in the establishment of traffic fare collection systems involving multiple public transport operators through the use of IC cards systems.

- Detailed Design
Drawing on our experience and achievements as a group of engineers specializing in roads, we plan and design safe and comfortable roads, highways, bridges, and tunnels. Our main services include survey, planning, design, construction supervision and maintenance management related to road infrastructures. When designing tunnels and bridges, geological surveys (field investigations, boring surveys, elastic wave exploration into tunnels, etc.), geotechnical and geological analysis, as well as structural analysis related to earthquake resistance and seismic isolation are key considerations in the design process and thus we aim at leveraging our vast experience to contribute to the success of the project. Moreover, since surveying, planning and design work for constructing transportation networks, new roads, and road improvements are integral components of a country’s infrastructure, we aspire to contribute to the wellbeing, safety, and development of countries through our contribution in these type of projects.

03/07 Railways (LRT / MRT)・BRT
- Detailed Design
- Feasibility Study
- Construction Supervision
As cities grow in size and population concentrates in a single location, it is essential to construct safe and comfortable mass transit systems. This work involves the examination, proposal, and planning of the need for various types of mass transit systems that match regional environmental and traffic characteristics, utilizing the technical capabilities and experience we have cultivated over many years. Planning, design, construction planning, and construction management of urban railroads and subways are important especially in countries where traffic congestion has become a major problem, and our extensive experience is useful in this regard. Our work to develop safe and comfortable mass transit systems contributes to the improvement of living environments and the creation of regional networks over a wide area.

04/07 Airports and Harbors
- Detailed Design
We are engaged in planning related port facilities such as large container yards, cargo handling facilities, and water area facilities that serve as bases for marine transportation, planning and design of port structures such as quays and revetments for disaster prevention projects, and research, planning, design, and construction management of ferry facilities and fishing ports that are central to regional cooperation and regional economic revitalization. We are also engaged in the planning and design of port and harbor structures. In the field of air transportation, the planning and design of runway pavement improvement and extension, and the planning and design of airport ancillary facility improvement and reconstruction have become important tasks in response to the growing demand for large numbers of passengers and cargo. We are working as a support service for the development of important regional hubs for both air and sea transportation, which connect many countries.

Human Resources
and Regional
Human capacity development is an important aspect in the sustainable development of developing countries, alongside the various types of infrastructure improvement projects. Therefore, addressing challenges in areas such as education, job creation, gender equality, poverty, and consideration of ethnic minorities, is essential in order to make significant positive impacts on these areas and foster economic growth. Furthermore, it is important to correct regional disparities while taking into consideration the economic, social, environmental, and religious realities of the target countries and regions. We are engaged in supporting human capacity development systems that contribute to the creation of regions that lead to the future, the formation of diverse regions, and the stabilization of target regions.

06/07 Environmental Preservation
Many infrastructure projects are subject to environmental assessment to ensure that their potential impacts on the natural and social environment are minimized. During the pre-planning stage, we study and predict the environmental impacts of the project and propose and plan necessary improvements and environmental measures. These include the preparation of the EIA (environmental impact assessment) and RAP (land expropriation and resettlement action plan for minorities), which aim to obtain consensus with the residents in the target areas, and to propose and plan mitigation measures to minimize environmental impacts on the local community. We also conduct surveys, planning, and comprehensive evaluations of environmentally friendly projects, such as global warming countermeasures and low-carbon projects, in order to contribute to the creation of sustainable communities that are friendly to the natural and social environment.

Business Support Program
- Education
- Healthcare
- Infrastructure
- O&M
For SMEs considering overseas expansion through JICA’s SME/SDG Business Support Program, we provide support and consulting services tailored to the on-site conditions, drawing on our experience in writing project requests, basic surveys, feasibility studies and dissemination/demonstration projects, as well as leveraging over 35 years of overseas experience in 60 ODA countries.